DEAR ABBY: I have an unusual problem that I'm not sure how to handle. As a man in my late 20s, I still consider myself quite young. I dated a bit before getting married and enjoyed kissing. My wife, however, does not seem to enjoy it -- or perhaps isn't that "skilled," I'm not sure which.
I feel like one of my needs isn't being met. We have been married almost three years. I have tried talking with her about it, but it always seems to come off like I'm comparing her "abilities" to my past girlfriends' -- and that's not what I intend at all. I honestly don't think this is a question of technique, but rather of effort. This hasn't caused any major arguments or anything yet, but it is something I find seriously lacking. Any ideas? -- MISSING THE KISSING IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR MISSING THE KISSING: You may "honestly not think it's a question of technique, but rather of effort" -- but I'm not entirely sure I agree. Not all people are equally talented at kissing, so my suggestion to you is to demonstrate the kind of kisses you would like to be able to share with her. And when you do, do not mention your past or any other woman -- just what kind of kisses make you feel the most loved and cherished. If your wife loves you, and your breath isn't a turn-off, I'm sure she'll cooperate.