DEAR ABBY: I am a single woman in my early 30s who has never been married. I recently fell in love with a wonderful man with whom I spend a great deal of time. He is unaware of the intensity of my feelings, and I'm afraid of telling him out of fear of rejection.
There are a couple of additional concerns: He is 15 years my senior and a medical doctor. I am a social worker in a lower socio-economic class. In addition, we are of different religions, but we have similar spiritual beliefs and values. He is also my co-worker.
I am very interested in pursuing a deeper relationship with this man, but would like to hear your advice first. Thank you for your thoughts on this. -- LONGING FOR MORE IN CHICAGO
DEAR LONGING: Although it is possible that the doctor is also attracted to you, the fact that you are co-workers makes the situation possibly problematic. Because you spend "a great deal of time" together, I assume that you discuss subjects beyond those that are work-related. One way to proceed might be to mention that you "happen" to have a couple of tickets to a play or other event he might be interested in -- and would he like to accompany you. If the answer is yes, you're off to a good start.