DEAR ABBY: My son, "Caleb," has a serious bullying problem. He is 14 and in ninth grade. His teacher has had to meet privately with me three times this week. Caleb will hit, bite, chew, spit on or slap the other students in the classroom. He has even hit his teacher.
At home, Caleb hits me and bites my arm. He also picks up things and throws them at people. I don't know if I should try to deal with him myself or send him to a psychiatrist. I am worried that my son is becoming a serious problem, and I want to make sure that it doesn't ever go too far. Please help me. -- CAN'T COPE, RICHARDSON, TEXAS
DEAR CAN'T COPE: It has already gone too far. Your son has a serious problem. By age 14, he should have long ago learned how to control his raging temper. Caleb should absolutely be evaluated by a mental health professional. And if he assaults you, another child or a teacher again, the police should be notified because the young man is a serious danger to others.