DEAR ABBY: I am 24 years old and pregnant by a married man. I didn't find out that he was married until after I learned I was pregnant. I love him so much, and he swears he loves me, too.
He has not told his wife anything about me or his expected child. I am afraid to tell my family that he's still married. He has promised me that he's going to leave his wife, but I don't see that happening. Please tell me what to do. -- ALL ALONE IN EUSTIS, FLA.
DEAR ALL ALONE: First of all, tell your family what is going on. It appears you are going to need all the emotional support they can give you.
This man has lied and misrepresented himself to you from the beginning, so don't expect him to suddenly stand up and act like a man now. Give him a clear choice. Either he leaves his wife, or you are going to a lawyer. If he doesn't follow through on his promise to you, a lawyer is what you will need to ensure that he provides financially not only for his child, but also for your prenatal care.