DEAR ABBY: This summer, three of my good friends are being married. I am happy for each of them and plan to attend their weddings. However, being 25 and in my first job, I am on a limited budget.
What is the appropriate amount to spend to attend a wedding with a guest? It does not help that one of the brides-to-be continually "reminds" me and the rest of our friends how much the wedding is costing her and her fiance -- $100 a person, and how she hopes to get it all back in monetary gifts for the wedding.
I am appalled that she expects her guests to pay their way to her extravagant wedding. Should I feel pressured to give the exact amount that she is requesting? -- PUZZLED IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR PUZZLED: You should, indeed, feel pressured because that is what your "good friend" is shamelessly doing. But do not give any more than you can comfortably afford. Take the bull by the horns, spell out your financial situation to her, and ask whether you'll be welcome if you can't come up with the "entrance fee."
True friends do not treat each other this way. If you're afraid your friendship will be over if you do it, allow me to point out that if she feels shortchanged, it will be over anyway.