DEAR ABBY: While I was visiting, my best friend's live-in companion stole some money out of my purse. I told my friend, and she confronted him in my presence. He lied about it and denied it. Because I had stopped at the store on the way over there, I knew exactly how much cash was in my purse and where it was located. The circumstances left no room for doubt. I was heartbroken, as was she.
I decided not to stay for dinner and left in tears. My friend and I have spoken on the phone since. She said she knows by the way he is acting that he probably did it, but she does not wish to bring it up to him.
She has requested that I find a way to forgive him and resume visiting them. I have already forgiven him for many things he has done to her, including cheating. I feel this is just too much. When a child is caught stealing, the child owns up to it and is made to apologize. Am I wrong? -- APPALLED IN CLINTON, MICH.
DEAR APPALLED: You are correct as far as children are concerned. But this man is not a child, and your friend is not his mother, so don't hold your breath waiting for an apology. They have an unhealthy relationship, and I don't blame you for feeling as you do.
I recommend that from now on, you see your friend apart from her companion. However, if you decide to relent, lock your purse in the trunk of your car before entering their home.