DEAR ABBY: My son's girlfriend, "Liza," had her breasts enlarged several years ago. Her entire wardrobe now consists of clothing with plunging necklines that expose most of her "assets." Don't get me wrong. I don't expect Liza to wear turtlenecks, just to cover up some.
Whenever there's a family function, there "they" are for all to see. My husband and the siblings (all over 18) have talked about how uncomfortable that makes them. This is not one of those things that you can just turn your head from, especially when Liza is sitting across the table at dinner.
My son doesn't have a problem with it, but I would like to know if there's something you would suggest I could say -- either to her or my son -- to let them know how uncomfortable we are without making it sound like we're attacking her? -- COVER UP, PLEASE, IN ALABAMA
DEAR "C.U.P.": Liza has invested a lot of money -- not to mention the pain -- in acquiring those assets. She wouldn't be human if she didn't want to display them. However, because you feel you're seeing too much of a good thing, approach your son about asking his girlfriend to dress a little more conservatively at dinner. If that doesn't do the trick, lower the temperature when they're over and hand her a sweater -- or serve lobster and hand out bibs.