DEAR ABBY: For the past six months I have been dating a man I'll call "Tom." Our kids adore each other, our parents think we're a great couple, and our friends love seeing us together. There's just one problem: He's married.
Tom's wife has been locked up for some time, and neither of us ever expected to fall in love. I asked him if he planned on telling her about us, and he said, "yes," because he can't lie about it to her. We've been very open about our relationship.
Now that she's out, I can't help but wonder what I was thinking getting involved in this relationship. Don't get me wrong, Abby. I love Tom deeply, and he feels the same way. His family has been telling him for months that he's crazy if he doesn't leave her. What should I do about this? -- NEEDS TO KNOW NOW IN VIRGINIA
DEAR NEEDS TO KNOW: I can answer that in one short paragraph. Cut off all contact with Tom until he decides that his marriage is over AND files for divorce. Then ask yourself, "Is it worth the gamble to marry a man with as little character as this one has shown?" To paraphrase Stephen Stills, "If he's not with the one he loves, then he loves the one he's with!" And that kind of person is very poor husband material.