DEAR ABBY: I'm a 21-year-old woman who just moved back home after two years of living and learning on my own. My family has been wonderful to accept me back into their home until I finish my studies in a few months, after which I assume I'll be getting a job and my own place.
I have an amazing boyfriend, "Jordan," with whom I would love to spend some nights. I'm afraid if I do I would be disrespecting my parents' wishes -- my father is a preacher -- but at the same time I feel restricted because I got used to being on my own and doing what I wanted.
I know a few months doesn't sound like a long time, but what if I can't get a job right away and have to stay here longer? Jordan and I aren't ready to move in together, but we'd like some overnight visits. What do you think? -- GROWN-UP GIRL IN KENTUCKY
DEAR GROWN-UP GIRL: Have your parents met Jordan? Do they like him? If they have and they do, it would make things easier on you. You should definitely respect your father's position and sensitivities. A more acceptable compromise than spending "nights out" might be for you and Jordan to arrange some weekend getaways together. Of this I am certain: Young love will find a way.