DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend recently moved in with me. We have a great relationship except that he is always slapping me on the bottom. He refers to it as "love taps."
I have told him many times I regard it as degrading and frustrating. It stings and I hate it. I have told him 10 different times in 10 different ways, including getting so angry I screamed obscenities at him.
When we get into little arguments, he will say, "That's it! You deserve a spanking for that!" and proceeds to hit me again. I know he thinks it's cute, and he obviously gets some sort of enjoyment out of it, but I am at my wits' end.
How can I get it through his head that his behavior is not only offensive, it is seriously harming our relationship by creating resentment? Does he just not care about my feelings, or does he not take me seriously when I tell him to knock it off? -- SORE IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR SORE: When someone continues to do something after having been told that it hurts, that you don't like it, and that you want it stopped, what it shows is lack of respect for your feelings and your "space." What is going on is not my definition of a "great" relationship. It's one in which there is a serious communication problem.
Now I have a question for you. What else does he ignore when you speak up?