DEAR ABBY: My husband and I generally agree on most major issues. We agree to disagree on the minor ones. But there is one issue I think is major and he thinks is minor -- strip clubs. He sees nothing wrong with having women give him lap dances. He compares it to seeing a movie -- it's "entertainment."
Abby, I'm not a prude. I wouldn't care if he went to a strip club for a bachelor party, and I don't object about his extensive porn collection. But it makes me feel he isn't getting what he needs from me when he goes to a strip club by himself. I expect my husband to understand and respect my feelings. Is that too much to ask, or am I being unreasonable? -- THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT? IN SALT LAKE CITY
DEAR "?": You don't mind your husband going to strip clubs as long as he's with others, and you don't mind him looking at his "extensive porn collection"? It seems as wives go, you're extremely liberal. It's not unreasonable to feel uncomfortable knowing one's spouse is being touched by a scantily clad person of the opposite sex. Because you prefer he not be there alone and he refuses to quit, consider going with him.