DEAR ABBY: A member of my gym brings her newborn in with her every morning. She sets the carrier down next to her treadmill, puts in her earplugs and runs. The baby usually cries on and off, but today he cried nonstop during my entire 20-minute workout. It drove me crazy.
I'm a mom, too. A crying baby, especially a newborn, is heartbreaking. This woman never stops to see why her little one is crying or to console him. This situation doesn't seem to bother the other gym members. Should I talk to her and risk a hostile response, or speak to the gym manager? -- HEAVY-HEARTED GYM BUNNY IN RIVERVIEW, FLA.
DEAR GYM BUNNY: Talk to the manager. The crying infant may not bother the other gym members, but it bothers you. The woman isn't stopping her workout to see what may be wrong because with her earbuds in she can't hear the child, which doesn't make her a candidate for mother of the year. She's causing a distraction and an inconvenience to you, so speak up.