DEAR ABBY: My handsome, 21-year-old son, "Dylan," has a beautiful girlfriend and a 14-month-old child. They have been together for three years.
Dylan works out of town. He gets back late on Friday afternoons and leaves again on Sunday afternoon. The problem is, he goes to bed soon after he gets home and then goes out on Saturday, returning at about 2 a.m. or so Sunday morning. He spends very little time with his girlfriend and their child. Otherwise, he's good to them, provides a good home and most things they need. But he doesn't give them attention or love.
I'm afraid Dylan's girlfriend is getting fed up with this. She's a good "wife" and a wonderful mother, but if she leaves, I'm afraid I won't get to see my grandchild. Please tell me what to do. (Dylan's father isn't in the picture.) -- AFRAID OF THE FUTURE IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR AFRAID: Was Dylan's father ever in the picture? If he wasn't, it's possible that Dylan has no concept of how to be a good father or partner. The first thing you should do (if you haven't already) is talk to your son about this.
Regardless of how he reacts, continue to be a loving, honest and supportive friend to Dylan's girlfriend. Because your son's relationship with the mother of his child probably won't last, make sure she understands that you care about her and always want to be a part of her and your grandson's lives.