DEAR ABBY: I'm married to the love of my life. My wife is a beautiful woman, 50 years old, in great shape and she looks 35. My problem is whenever we go out, if I ask her to wear something sexy for me, she always says, "I'm too old to dress like that" and refuses. However, when she dresses for work, she spends hours on her appearance and dresses very sexy.
I have told her it bothers me, but she says I'm being silly and she just wants to look good for her management job. She's constantly buying new outfits for work. This morning she left wearing a sexy short miniskirt and boots.
She is an independent woman who does what she wants. I don't spend my time trying to control her by any means. I trust her and seriously doubt there's another man. But I feel this is a matter of her not respecting my feelings as her husband. Am I wrong? Is there something else going on here? I need your help. -- LIKES HER SEXY IN CONNECTICUT
DEAR LIKES HER SEXY: There's something sad about the fact that your wife doesn't want to put the same amount of effort into looking as good when she goes out with you as she does when she leaves for work. Rather than turning this into a power struggle, the next time you want to take her out looking sexy, ask her to just "throw on something she would wear to the office" and see if you have better luck.