DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married for seven years. Since our wedding, he has had increasing health problems.
He recently told me that he planned his funeral three months ago, without saying a word to me. I am very concerned that he seems more focused on death than on life. Am I wrong to be upset? He says I am. -- WIFE IN BURLINGTON, N.J.
DEAR WIFE: I don't blame you for being concerned because husbands and wives should be able to discuss important topics with each other, and this is one of them.
When your husband has his next medical appointment, go with him so you can speak with his physician. It's possible that because of his "increasing health problems" he has become depressed, and if that's the case, his doctor should be told.
It is always helpful for spouses to accompany each other to their medical appointments in case the patient forgets to ask a question or tell the doctor something he or she needs to know.