DEAR ABBY: My 1-year-old baby recently passed away. I have two other children, one with special needs. I find it irritating and not at all comforting when people tell me that "at least I have other children and that I should concentrate on them."
How can I politely tell them that I have never stopped taking care of my other children, and that nothing eases the pain of burying your child? -- MOURNING MY BABY IN PUERTO RICO
DEAR MOURNING: Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your child. My heart goes out to you.
While I can imagine that you might be tempted to lash out at these insensitive individuals, I hope you realize their comments are made out of ignorance. Sometimes it isn't what you say as much as how you say it. In a case like this, exactly what you have written to me would be an appropriate response as long as it is said calmly and without anger.