DEAR ABBY: I have overheard a person who works as an aide at the local elementary school talking about the students -- discussing their special needs, behavioral issues, etc. I think it is appalling that she's relaying confidential information to others in the community. The rule for employees here is, "What happens in the school stays in the school."
I'm not sure what to do. I have heard from her too many times that it was "just an oversight" on her part. Should I let the parents of these students know, or make the school administrators aware of the situation? The people listening are, of course, just as guilty. Perhaps it's not my place to interfere; however, I find her behavior to be unprofessional, and she should not be working in such a setting.
If you publish this, I hope it will be all it takes to open someone's eyes and seal their lips. What do you think? -- BOILING OVER IN NEW ENGLAND
DEAR BOILING OVER: I'm printing your letter, but I doubt it will silence the wagging tongue of a gossip who uses confidential information to get attention. What you should do is inform the principal of the school and let him or her "seal the leak." If that doesn't work, you should inform the parents because they may want to take action. But don't jump the gun; go through channels first.