DEAR ABBY: My four girls and I recently moved from Texas to Florida to help out my in-laws. My husband, "Jeff," made a big deal about not wanting to move without a job, so he stayed behind.
Now I feel like a single parent, and even though I hide it from my daughters, I am depressed. I haven't been able to find work, and Jeff says he doesn't want to come here for several more months.
My husband and I have been together 14 years, and this is tearing me up inside. He seems to be treating this issue as a joke. I suspect he likes not having the responsibility of a wife and kids. Our youngest is 6 months old and she's growing up without her daddy! Please help me figure this out. -- LONELY AND DEPRESSED
DEAR LONELY: How long has this been going on? Three weeks? Three months? Tell your husband that because you can no longer tolerate being separated, you are moving back to Texas. Be sure to mention that the responsibility of helping his parents should not be yours alone. Your concerns about your baby girl are valid. She should be bonding with both her parents right now -- and the separation may make it more difficult for her.