DEAR ABBY: How much interest in an adult child's sex life is normal? My mother seems obsessed.
I hooked up with a girl a couple of months ago on a Friday. She spent most of the weekend with me. We both knew it wouldn't go further than that.
It turns out she works with my mom, who by chance found out about the weekend. Mom has been interrogating her for every detail every chance she gets, and she likes to drop details into my daily life to embarrass me.
How much interest is a parent supposed to show? Mine knows my favorite position and intimate interests. -- EXPOSED IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR EXPOSED: It seems your mother is not only nosy, but also has a sadistic sense of humor. She's getting a kick out of embarrassing you.
Tell her to lay off because what she's doing is inappropriate, and it's making you uncomfortable. If she can't respect your wishes, then realize it's time you put some distance between you and Mama. And to prevent this from happening in the future, find out more about the chicks you hook up with because this last one sings like a bird.