DEAR ABBY: I'm a 17-year-old girl. Last weekend I lost my virginity in the back seat of a stranger's car. I feel guilty about it and I haven't told anyone. I'm not sure if he has.
I need some advice on whether I should be making a big deal out of it, or just ignore it and move on. -- ANXIOUS IN OHIO
DEAR ANXIOUS: Please don't ignore it. You treated your first time like it was something casual, and that is sad. It is a "big deal," not only because of what it indicates about your level of self-esteem, but also because you don't know whether you have been exposed to an STD. Did the boy use a condom?
Mature girls know to protect themselves when engaging in sexual activity. It is important that you be checked by a gynecologist for STDs and learn about effective birth control. If you don't have a doctor you can confide in, Planned Parenthood can help you.