DEAR ABBY: I'm 16 and a single mom of an almost 4-month-old girl. Her father is a drug addict. He manipulated me into having sex, which I had told him I didn't want to do until I was married. Also, I told him from the beginning of our relationship that if we ever got married and started a family, I never wanted drugs around my children.
The day I found out I was pregnant, he was there. However, later that night when I went out to the garage, I caught him snorting. Is it wrong of me to not involve him in her life? I've given him multiple chances to prove himself of being worthy. -- TEEN MOM
DEAR TEEN MOM: You're not wrong. As long as your boyfriend is involved with drugs, they will come first, and you and your child won't be able to count on him -- for anything. This is why it is crucial that you now make your education a priority and earn your high school diploma. You are going to need one -- and possibly further education -- in order to support the both of you. In the meantime, a counselor at your high school can guide you regarding financial aid if you need it.