DEAR ABBY: I am normally a law-abiding citizen. I was pulled over a half-block away from picking up my son and charged with DUI.
I don't dispute the facts, but I didn't injure anyone. I had taken prescription meds (the meds did have warnings) in addition to having drunk three beers two hours earlier. I hurt myself and my son, because he needed me to pick him up. I didn't put anyone else in jeopardy. No one was physically hurt.
I did not contest that I should lose my license for a year, but I do contest jail time. I feel if they are going to put me in jail, they should have put away the men who rear-ended my sister and niece and caused them lasting injuries.
I don't deny my guilt. I suggest only that I am less guilty than others. Abby, what do you think? -- PULLED OVER SOMEWHERE IN THE USA
DEAR PULLED OVER: I think you are just as guilty as the individuals you mentioned, but because of pure luck you didn't cause anyone physical harm. What you did was irresponsible because it could have placed your son in jeopardy. Pointing at "the ones who got away" is a waste of time.
This unfortunate incident should serve as a reminder about the importance of reading the labels and following the directions on medications, and paying attention to the problems that can occur when they are mixed with alcohol.