DEAR ABBY: I have been hosting Thanksgiving for most of my married life -- 44 years. When my children married, I told them we could celebrate all the holidays whenever and wherever they chose, but I wanted Thanksgiving.
Two years ago, my daughter-in-law asked to spend Thanksgiving with her parents and sister, and I reluctantly agreed. Her mom was battling cancer, so I said she could have Thanksgiving with her parents.
This year I received an email that SHE will be hosting it at her house with her parents and hoped we would come! I was upset that she didn't even discuss this with me. I sent her an email back saying I would like to have Thanksgiving at my house and she and her parents were invited. I haven't heard from her and I'm afraid she's mad. Frankly, I don't want to go to her house, but I don't want to alienate my son and two grandkids.
I don't see a compromise here that will please everyone. Do you? -- UNTHANKFUL IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR UNTHANKFUL: Yes, I do. Because your daughter-in-law has made it plain that she would like to establish some Thanksgiving traditions of her own, you should now graciously discuss alternating the celebration with her.