DEAR ABBY: I'm a senior (girl) in high school and have been dating a sophomore even though he's less than a year younger than I am. (I'm very young for my grade.) We have a lot in common and I think we both love each other a lot.
Next fall, I'm planning on going to a local community college, but I won't be too far away. I think my boyfriend has more interest in the military or a vocational career than college, but he's very serious and mature for his age. I know college will be a chance for me to meet new people and I don't want to limit my chances, but if I'm still interested in dating him, would it be "proper"?
I was already hesitant about dating him because he was younger, although I knew if the situation was reversed it wouldn't be a problem. Assuming everything still works out between us, is it OK for a college girl to date a high school boy? I'm not sure how to handle this. I know things may change before fall, but I'm getting anxious about it now. He has already said that he would still like to date me if I want to, so it's basically up to me. -- ANXIOUS IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR ANXIOUS: As far as I know, there is no rule forbidding a college freshman continuing to date someone who is still in high school. Because the choice is yours, I suggest you just let this play out.
College will present you with a chance to widen not only your range of interests, but also your circle of acquaintances. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of everything that college offers. If you wish to continue seeing your current boyfriend, do so. However, it would be better for both of you if it is done on a non-exclusive basis for the next few years.