DEAR ABBY: Five years into our marriage, my wife and I took a girlfriend, "Sonya." I fell madly in love with her. Unfortunately, my relationship with my wife cooled because she changed as a person. We ended up divorcing.
I'm still in love with Sonya, but obviously nothing will ever come of it. I'm her confidant and best friend, and she tells me all about her dating life.
I'm having trouble dealing with it, but I don't think I could handle not seeing her face light up when she speaks about her new girlfriend. My love for Sonya runs to my core -- it's one for the ages. She IS my soul. I don't want to lose her as my best friend, but I don't know how to manage the pain of my unrequited love. Please help me. -- DEMOLISHED IN CONNECTICUT
DEAR DEMOLISHED: Your love for Sonya may run to the core, but it isn't returned. If she's in love with another woman, your chances of winding up with her are somewhere between slim and none. That's why you must now decide if a bleeding heart is a condition you really want to live with. My advice is to be kind to yourself, get off a track that is leading nowhere and look for someone who can love you back.