DEAR ABBY: I'm not proud to write this, but I don't like my son-in-law. I think the feeling is mutual. He's arrogant and thinks he knows everything.
My daughter and I had a close bond before she married him. That quickly changed. She barely comes to my house anymore, and I don't see my grandkids as often as I'd like. I don't have a car (I'm working on that), and I rely on them for transportation. I don't like going to their house because I don't feel wanted.
I tolerate my son-in-law because I know my daughter loves him and I try hard to stay out of their business. What advice can you offer me? -- WISHING THINGS WERE BETTER
DEAR WISHING: Has it occurred to you that your daughter may be hurt or uncomfortable because she knows you dislike her husband? If he makes your daughter happy and is a good father to your grandchildren, give him points for that, and be glad you aren't the one who has to live with him.
You don't have to love him, but you must maintain a cordial relationship if only for your daughter's sake. Keep working on getting that car so you'll have your own transportation when you need it, and your visit won't be perceived as an imposition.