DEAR ABBY: My mother raised my two nephews because of their parents' drug addiction. They are now adults (21 and 25). As a result of these circumstances, Mom was never able to be a fun, doting grandmother to her other grandchildren. My nephews needed stability, and I helped often. I lived three minutes away, so I, too, was an important adult in their lives while they were growing up.
I feel my children were robbed of an opportunity that others take for granted. Although they saw their grandmother regularly, she had little left for my kids and her other grandchildren. She was often tired and frustrated, and never took my kids to the park or baked cookies. It had to be a special occasion just for her to baby-sit.
She recently mentioned that when she passes away, she will leave more to the grandchildren she raised than to the others. I feel this is unfair. I expressed that she has other grandchildren and things should be divided equally among them. Am I wrong to feel this way? -- LOOKING AHEAD IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR LOOKING: I don't think so. However, your mother's assets are hers to dispose of as she wishes. While you and I might disagree with her reasoning, I don't think it should be allowed to become a bone of contention.