DEAR ABBY: When I was 70, I started taking drama classes twice a week (I still do). My wife was against it and insisted that because none of our friends or relatives were doing it, neither should I. As a result, I suggested we live apart. I bought a small apartment and live alone. We see each other regularly, go to the cinema, the theater, visiting friends, vacation, etc.
Every now and then she raises the topic again, saying she feels "betrayed, offended, abandoned" and suggests we stop seeing each other for two to three days "so she can recover from the pain I inflict on her."
I don't think I am doing anything wrong here. I'm not cheating on her, and she knows that and doesn't accuse me explicitly. I think she is jealous and distrustful because the women taking the classes are beautiful and not because of anything I have done. What do you think? -- FRUSTRATED IN BULGARIA
DEAR FRUSTRATED: What I think is, not having heard your wife's side of it from her, your insight may be correct. However, before accepting the guilt trip she is laying on you, remember that since you moved out she hasn't invited you to move back in.