DEAR ABBY: I am a woman who has re-entered the dating pool after a few years of being single. I have gone on some amazing dates with fabulous men.
I met someone online last summer. "Miles" had a similar story -- long, bad marriage and now living life to the fullest. I adore his personality (and looks), but I have never met him in person. We talk often, sharing dating stories and everything else, knowing it won't go anywhere as he lives 1,000 miles away. We have developed a strong emotional bond and have become great friends.
My emotions have now moved past friendship. I believe Miles can sense it because he has pulled back a little. I know realistically it won't work due to the distance. My kids are still in school, and I'd feel guilty asking him to move away from his business, kids (grown), parents, family, etc.
Should I quit talking to him altogether, because apparently I can't keep it where it has been for the last several months? We agree that we "met" for a reason, and only time will tell what that reason is or if it goes anywhere. I'm heartbroken and emotionally unavailable to the great men around me. My heart is with Miles. Advice? -- SMITTEN IN SOUTH CAROLINA
DEAR SMITTEN: You and Miles may have met for a reason, but there's also a reason why the two of you haven't met in person in nearly a year. The fact that his reaction to the idea that you might be getting serious about him is to pull back makes me wonder whether you may have jumped the gun. Before allowing yourself to fall further in love, you have some work to do to get your emotions back under control so you can move forward and be more receptive to the "great men" in your own area who are available.