DEAR ABBY: I'm a 19-year-old male and suffer from a predicament. Let's just say my "package has been delivered undersized." It is depressing, and it has held me back from going after girls. I decline dates because I feel so self-conscious.
Now, people are starting to ask me why I haven't had a girlfriend yet. The truth is, I'm terrified about the reaction I'll get if I ever end up in the bedroom. I'm still a virgin because of this large (yet small) dilemma. Do you have any advice on what I should do to fix this? -- SMALL PROBLEM IN THE USA
DEAR SMALL PROBLEM: As a matter of fact, I do. Males (and females, too) come in a variety of sizes, and there is a broad range that defines "normal." Because this bothers you to the extent that you are afraid of a normal social life, pay a visit to your doctor to have an honest discussion. Size does not necessarily dictate the degree of satisfaction a couple can achieve, and you can take that statement to the bank.