DEAR ABBY: My husband has a contentious relationship with our grandchildren. He generally is a fun, happy and interesting person. But by nature he is not "hands on" when it comes to children.
Our son and daughter have great spouses and five young grandsons. He stands around like a warden waiting for something to happen, then just yells at them. It is clear he doesn't enjoy being with them, and their mood changes from happy to surly when he's around. I enjoy doing things with them and taking them to lots of fun places, and I know my husband doesn't like to go anywhere with them.
I have had two major talks trying to encourage him to have a positive, interactive relationship with the boys, to no avail. He reacts as if I'm the only one who sees this. My sister, son and daughter-in-law have talked to me about it, but I haven't told my husband. Should I just drop this issue? -- DOING THE WORK OF TWO
DEAR DOING: Your husband may or may not be capable of changing. However, the next time your sister, son and daughter-in-law talk to you about the negative message your husband is sending the grandchildren, please tell them they are talking to the wrong person. They should take this up with "Grandpa Grump," and you should not be forced into the position of being the messenger.