DEAR ABBY: My older sister moved in with me after she was placed on furlough because of the pandemic. I was resistant to her moving in because she likes to run the show, she has taken financial advantage of every family member, never admits she's wrong, and I was worried she'd take over. But I wanted to help her save money, so I said yes.
Now it's like I'm walking on eggshells. Every time I make a simple request, she accuses me of trying to act like her mother! After six months she asked if I'd prefer she move in with our parents, and I said yes. Now she's upset, and my parents are begging me to let her stay because they don't want to deal with her. I just want my peace back. What should I do? -- TIRED LITTLE SISTER
DEAR TIRED: I'll tell you what NOT to do. Do not relent. She asked if you'd prefer she move in with your parents, and you answered her honestly. Set a date for her to be out and stick to it. It will save your sanity.