DEAR ABBY: When I am planning an event or making reservations, I have a friend who always wants to know who is being invited. She also wants to dictate how many guests I should invite. If she arrives late, she gets upset if I haven't saved her a seat next to me. She's very high maintenance.
We have been friends for many years, and I don't want to lose that, but she's getting on my last nerve. She makes any event that I plan nerve-wracking. I have tried talking to her about it, but her response is that she's sorry I don't understand her! Please help. -- MISERABLE PARTY PLANNER
DEAR PLANNER: You may want to maintain the relationship, but don't you think it's time you drew a firm line with this nervy, pushy woman? It doesn't take a genius to "understand" her. She is controlling and insecure, and you have allowed it.
The next time you plan a party, leave her off the guest list. You can be sure word will get back to her, and when it does, she will ask you why. When it happens, be prepared to calmly tell her exactly what you have written to me. You say you are down to your "last nerve." Believe me, telling her calmly is better than erupting.