DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I’m not making excuses for him, but my husband grew up in a home where he didn’t have to do anything around the house. Either his mother or his grandmother did all the cooking, cleaning, and even minor repairs. He was never asked or expected to do anything, not even take out the trash.
Since before we started living together, I have done almost ALL the housework, from making the bed every morning to taking out the trash and paying the bills.
He tells me he wants to pitch in more, but whenever I suggest he do a certain chore, he tells me he’s on it and then never gets to it and I end up doing it, which I don’t think is very fair, do you?
My husband is not a lazy person outside the home, just in it. How do I undo what his mother and grandmother did to him? --- COULD USE SOME HELP
DEAR COULD USE SOME HELP: You’re letting your husband off the hook whenever you pick up his slack.
I understand how frustrating it can be to have to repeatedly ask someone to do something, but it’s time for you to stop buckling and leave what you’ve asked him to do undone until he does it. Obviously I’m not talking about missing bill payments, but the domestic chores you’ve asked him to do become his sole responsibility the moment he agrees to do them.
What could help a bit is if you make a list of all the jobs that need to get done and then specifically divvy them up between the two of you.
If he himself picks the ones he’s expected to do, he might just have less wiggle room for weaseling out on getting his tasks done.