DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: Our grandson did an excellent job learning to drive. He accumulated all his permit-required hours within four months and did well with his driving course.
All was going along well until he had a hydroplane incident in September. Fortunately the only thing that happened in the accident is he scraped the fender on a roadside fence, which is hardly the first ding and dent on our 2012 Audi, which was built to last. That is why we “sold” it to him for all of $500, which we then banked for him for college unbeknownst to him.
The day after the accident, his father went ballistic on the poor kid and he took the keys away from him, which we think is the absolutely wrong way to go. Now the kid is back to relying on his parents for rides, and the old Audi is just sitting in the driveway.
We promised to never interfere with how our kids raise their kids, but since we sold our grandson the car he is now forbidden to drive, do you think we have a say in this one issue? --- SOLD HIM THE CAR
DEAR SOLD HIM THE CAR: Having sold him his car doesn’t entitle you to a say in how it’s used.
While I’m of the opinion that in situations like this, it’s generally better to get the driver driving again sooner rather than later, the decision to withhold the keys is within your grandson’s parents’ domain if he’s a minor. If he’s not, that’s another matter, but still one between him and his folks.