DEAR ABBY: I've been seeing "Pete" for eight months. He has been divorced for the last 15 years. He has two grown children and five grandchildren with his ex-wife, "Linda," who is still a significant person in Pete's life. They text throughout the day and enjoy doing things with Linda's husband.
Pete is having major surgery soon. He has informed me that his daughter and Linda are going to be at the hospital, and there are only two guests per patient allowed. I have tried to explain to him that I'm uncomfortable with Linda being such an important person in his life and hurt that he doesn't include me in their outings. He turns it around and asks me what I want him to do about it. He says it's my problem, not his.
I care for Pete, but I am getting fed up. Do I throw in the towel or stick it out, hoping he'll see my side of the situation? -- INSIGNIFICANT IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR INSIGNIFICANT: Because Pete thinks accepting his priorities is your problem, not his, it is unlikely he will ever accept your point of view. The problem appears to be that he doesn't consider you to be a couple, and because he doesn't, his family doesn't. You should have been included in those "outings" with Linda and her husband by now.
Nowhere in your letter did you mention any of the sweet, thoughtful, caring things Pete does for you. Because of that, and because (after eight months) he hasn't managed to create a slot on his hospital visitors list, it may, indeed, be time to throw in the towel.