DEAR ABBY: My wife continually dirties the floors in our home because she refuses to stop wearing shoes in the house. She'll be out all day -- at work, running errands, etc. -- and then come home and keep her same shoes on. She has even done yard work and then come inside wearing those same shoes!
It's a family trait for her -- her mother does the same thing in her house. We recently visited her aunt and uncle -- both of whom were wearing outdoor shoes indoors! How do I convince my wife that our house is dirty specifically because of this? -- IN MY SLIPPERS
DEAR SLIPPERS: According to the August 2024 issue of Consumer Reports, half of household dust is tracked or carried into homes from outside. The soles of our shoes can also carry viruses as well as other unhealthy and unpleasant substances. Instituting an indoor/outdoor policy might help to keep your house cleaner, but the habits of a lifetime are hard to break, and your wife may have trouble changing. A workable compromise might be to have a doormat outside for scraping dust and debris off shoes. Suggest it to her as a possible solution.