DEAR ABBY: I've been living with someone for four years. When we started living together, his son "Byron" was incarcerated. Byron is 33 and has been in trouble since he was 15. His dad keeps bailing him out. I used two of my credit cards to help raise the $11,000 bail to get him out of jail. In exchange, Byron agreed to put on a new roof for us and help around the house.
Byron has completed none of the tasks that were asked of him, and his dad keeps helping him anyway. We had to pay Byron's rent at the rehab so he wouldn't be kicked out. This has created a rift between me and my boyfriend, who thinks I'm being selfish and greedy.
Am I wrong for no longer wanting to help financially? We got along great until this happened. -- DOING TIME, TOO, IN ALABAMA
DEAR DOING TIME: Byron is the person he is because his father has enabled him since he was a child. You are neither selfish nor greedy for refusing to give more money. Forgive me if this seems harsh, but unless you want to continue to be emotionally blackmailed by your boyfriend, get out now before you are drained financially.