DEAR ABBY: A year ago, I found out my husband has been cheating on me with multiple women for more than a decade and kept two of his conquests for that entire time. He also sent all our savings to his girlfriends in another country. Because we have two disabled adult children and one neurotypical adult child, I decided to stay in the marriage.
A year later, I'm still struggling. In fact, I feel worse. I barely sleep and have developed severe anxiety. I have no one to talk to about this because I'm embarrassed and humiliated by what he's done to our family. To shield my children, since they would suffer needlessly if they knew about his infidelity, I put on a facade and pretend everything is OK.
I am desperate for sleep, but all I do is cry and wander around my house at night. My husband places all the blame on me, which leaves me feeling so betrayed and hurt that I don't know what to do. What are the steps I need to take to put this behind me and move forward without having to replay it in my head all the time? -- ROCKED WORLD IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR ROCKED WORLD: Your first step should be to speak to your physician about what has been going on, and then to ask for a referral to a licensed mental health professional. It is important you have someone to talk to because remaining silent is making you sick.
Speaking the truth will not reflect badly on you. Your children have nothing to gain by being kept in the dark. When your husband emptied your bank account, he was hurting them financially as well as you. Once you are emotionally stronger, consult a lawyer and take your cues from that person about how to protect yourself and your children.