DEAR ABBY: My fiance's daughter is having a baby. Her mother is helping give the shower. My fiance and his ex have been divorced for 21 years. She was the one who cheated, asked for the divorce and kicked him out. She threatened not to attend her daughter's wedding because he was bringing me. We have been together nine years now.
I am not invited to the shower because the ex doesn't want me there. It's not even being held at her home. His daughter likes me but doesn't want to upset her mom. I think it's time for the ex to grow up and get a life. I told my fiance the whole thing is childish, but now I no longer want to go to the shower because you can't like me one day and then not the next. What should I do? -- EX ISSUES IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR EX ISSUES: Be the adult your fiance's ex isn't. Suck it up and make plans with some of your friends so you're not sitting alone feeling sorry for yourself while the baby shower is happening. Buy a nice present for the little one, offer it to the mother at some other time and don't make waves.