DEAR ABBY: I was recently in a traumatic car crash (hit head-on by a drunk driver within a mile of my home). It resulted in my right leg being broken in multiple places. I bought a car with the insurance claim. Within a month and without warning, my mother bought me the exact same car that was totaled in the accident. The catch is, my mother expects me to sell the car I purchased and give her the proceeds.
First, this was portrayed as a gift. Now it seems like it's a debt hanging over my head. Would it be rude or selfish of me to keep the car I bought, or keep the money if I decide to sell? The stimulus checks have been helpful, but my financial future is up in the air because of the life-altering accident. -- INJURED IN INDIANA
DEAR INJURED: Keep the car you purchased. Tell your mother you know she meant well. Then give her back the car she bought, as well as the keys and the pink slip, so she can do whatever she wants with it. If you do, it will cause less conflict.