DEAR ABBY: I have been thinking a lot lately about my first love. The thoughts come and go, which I know is normal. A week or so ago, I stumbled upon her LinkedIn account, saw her profile picture and couldn't help but reminisce about all the good times we had together 15 years ago. I'm 35 now and have been in a relationship for seven years. She has been married for 10.
I'm not looking to rekindle a relationship. I just feel there was never official closure to our relationship, and I suspect it has always affected my subsequent relationships. I love my girlfriend and feel guilty for feeling this way. I know how it would affect us if I were to bring it up, which is why I'm not sure how to proceed.
Will the feeling pass? Will I always feel this way? Will I always look back at that first love and think she was the one I was meant to be with, and if one thing didn't go the way it did, would I be? Should I reach out and try to ask for closure? -- REMINISCING IN VIRGINIA
DEAR REMINISCING: I don't think so. You and this woman have both moved on with your lives. I see nothing positive to be gained by reaching back at this point, particularly since you know it could negatively affect your current relationship. Allow the past to remain in the past and let it go.