DEAR MISS MANNERS: Ten years ago, I got married for the second time, four years after the death of my first wife of 38 years. Everything is fine and dandy except when it comes to Christmas cards.
My second wife has a lot of friends of longstanding that I may have met casually, briefly, or not at all, as well as a lot who have also become my friends. Some of the Christmas cards are addressed to Mr. and Mrs., some are addressed to my wife in her previous married name, some in her previous married name hyphenated with my last name, and some with her first name and my last name.
I don't open any letter that does not clearly have my name on it. A Mr. will do. Occasionally a letter to the other one of us may get opened by mistake, but neither of us is concerned by that and may even ask, "What did they say?" or say, sincerely, or in humor, "Thanks for opening it." We have no problems with mail secrecy.
However, my nosy sister, who we invite over at Christmas and tell to look through the beautiful cards we have received, has discovered that most of the cards to my wife do not mention or acknowledge my name or my existence. My sister feels that I am being intentionally slighted and ignored by my wife's snobby friends. My sister feels that my wife should make a point of smoothly but definitely letting every card writer know that she is married to a wonderful man and she expects them to acknowledge us as a couple!
I tell dear sister to keep her mouth shut because I feel Christmas cards are basically informal and personal salutations that only involve the writer and the recipient. It is completely asinine, illogical and of no consequence to worry about whether I was included or addressed on a Christmas card to my wife. Even if it is intentional, that is a problem for the writer and not for me. If the writers are just ignorant (?) of the "laws" of etiquette I am quite willing to let the perpetrators go free (without a ticket) and not say "ignorance of the law is not an excuse."
I've got my mind made up, but sister insists she knows the etiquette of the Christmas card and is trying to make my wife feel that perhaps my wife is letting me down. Would you please comment?
GENTLE READER: Why your sister is doing this, and why you don't just brush it off after presumably a lifetime of knowing that she likes to stir up trouble are things Miss Manners doesn't feel up to spoiling the holiday week by discussing. There is much to be said for solving problems superficially.
Before you show your sister your Christmas cards, remove the envelopes and any personal notes addressed only to your wife. And don't let Miss Manners catch your sister going around passing herself off as knowledgeable about etiquette.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: This holiday I purchased chargers for my Christmas dinner table. I thought you left them on the table, placed the entree plates on top, and then picked them up before dessert. After the first course was cleared, my husband removed the chargers, saying that they are only to be on the table for the first course and not the entree. Please let me know how to use them properly.
GENTLE READER: Miss Manners could complicate this situation hopelessly by pointing out that although American restaurants have spread the use of the word "entree" to mean the main course, it actually is an in-between course, but let's not go there. Your husband is correct that the charger, also known as a service plate, is removed with the soup plate or the plate for another opening course, and replaced with the plate for the main course.