DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a young liberal Democrat, just out of college, who is against the current war in Iraq. I moved back to my home state after college, and many of my new friends here are affiliated with the U.S. military (either as ex-Army members, veterans or from other branches).
How do I respond politely and respectfully when I find out that one of my new acquaintances has fought in Iraq or Afghanistan? I'm curious to find out from veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan what their first-hand experiences in the Middle East were, but I don't want to pry, and I don't want to be insensitive.
I also don't know right away if the person I'm meeting has any qualms about discussing their deployment. My only frame of reference is an uncle who fought in the Vietnam War; I was never allowed to question him about being a veteran, as he suffered from severe emotional trauma for decades after.
As a 24-year-old, these are the first wars that have touched me politically, and I do not want to say something disingenuous (like, "I really support what you are doing over there. Keep up the good work!), trite ("Thank you for your sacrifices. Your country is proud of you."), or callous ("What a terrible thing to be involved in!"). What is a tactful response to a veteran that upholds everyone's dignity? Is there an established etiquette for speaking to a veteran of (in my view) an ongoing, unpopular war?
GENTLE READER: Yes; it consists of not speaking so much as listening.
Miss Manners quite agrees that it is not your place to deliver critiques or commendations. Rather than quizzing your new friends about their service, you can simply say, "I don't know whether you like to talk about it, but I'd be very interested in hearing your experiences."
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A friend of my parents died recently, and I sent letters of condolence to the family. My mom saw the envelopes as I was mailing them and objected to my use of return-address stickers. You know the kind of stickers I mean -- charities send them to you and they have your address plus the charity's logo or "I support (name of charity)".
This was an animal welfare organization, so there were pictures of puppies and kittens as well as the logo. My mom wasn't sure if she objected to the puppies, the logo or the stickers themselves, but she didn't think they were correct. Should return-address stickers not be used on letters of sympathy? What about stickers you buy yourself (from the stationer) that don't advertise a charity?
GENTLE READER: Since the demise of the footman-delivered letter, Miss Manners has tried not to get overly emotional about envelopes. Postal regulations are always fooling with the size, and some day they may decide to break her heart by decreeing that they will no longer accept handwritten addresses.
Still, one must maintain what dignity one can. A condolence letter is about as serious a letter as one can write, and cute pictures and irrelevant logos are very definitely out of place. Miss Manners will not make a fuss about a plain return-address sticker, but can't help feeling that writing even that in your own hand is preferable.