DEAR MISS MANNERS: A friend called me, on two separate occasions, to complain about my daughter’s behavior towards her daughter at school.
I was a bit taken aback because when my daughter is at school, her teacher is responsible for her. I do not homeschool, and cannot control my daughter when she is not in my presence.
Initially, I offered an apology. When it happened a second time, I was annoyed, but said "thank you." I contacted the school and let them know my daughter was experiencing social/relational aggression with schoolmates.
Since then, my supposed friend hasn’t contacted me. I feel that she has reacted emotionally and taken this situation personally.
What is the correct way to respond when a parent is contacted by another parent, and still maintain their respect and friendship?
GENTLE READER: Your friend feels that parental responsibility is not a switch to be turned off merely because a child is out of sight. As Miss Manners agrees with her, her suggestion to you is that you listen, investigate (if important specifics are in doubt), and respond.