DEAR MISS MANNERS: I just started a new job, and a group text chat was created for us to communicate about our shift availability. However, employees have begun using this chat for small talk.
I can’t simply mute it, because I might miss important work information. They’re all wonderful people, but I don’t want my phone blowing up! How do I communicate this politely and without hurting feelings?
GENTLE READER: As this is now a terribly common problem with a commonly terrible solution, Miss Manners is happy to offer a polite one.
The typical solution is to berate co-workers for misusing the channel, which is impolite, hurts everyone’s feelings and does not work.
A better solution requires more patience. Create a second group text chat for personal matters -- feigning interest in such matters if you have to -- and direct personal matters there. Repeat your instructions as often as necessary. You can then mute the second channel.