DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a long train journey to work each day, and I always gravitate towards the “quiet carriage.” But invariably, there are some passengers who believe the rules have no application to them.
They believe that they, for no blindingly obvious reason, sit above and outside the rules. They carry on loud, pointless conversations as though no one can hear them. There are others who eat loudly, and still others who have yet to be introduced to the humble tissue or handkerchief.
And don’t even get me started on all those filthy coughers, who clearly learned nothing from the pandemic.
What can I say to these utterly shameless rule-breakers? I want to enforce the rules and basic standards.
And before you suggest it: Yes, I have noise-canceling headphones. They help, but don’t fully remove the endless sniffing, hacking and talking.
GENTLE READER: A polite, whispered, “Excuse me, but I believe this is the quiet car” or a point to the sign -- or even asking the ticket taker to help, if one happens to walk by -- are acceptable ways to address loud talking.
But for those who sniff or cough, Miss Manners can only suggest you offer them a tissue -- and some sympathy for the fact that they are probably not doing this solely to annoy you.