DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have an older home with just one bathroom. I make sure that all personal products are off the counter when we have guests, but we’ve still had people snoop in the medicine cabinet and in the cupboard under the sink.
My teenaged nephew once commented loudly about finding laxatives in the medicine cabinet. Another time, he talked about finding a large box of tampons under the sink.
My sister-in-law, his mother, was angry at me and said we shouldn’t have embarrassing things that guests could find. Should we be editing our medicine cabinet in case guests snoop?
GENTLE READER: Although Miss Manners has heard of a more effective solution, please do not say you got it from her.
The idea is to overload (some might say "booby-trap") the medicine cabinet before your snooping relatives arrive, so that when it is opened, things come tumbling out.
Alerted by the noise, you can then confront your nephew by asking sympathetically, and publicly, “Noah, dear, what were you looking for? Do you have a problem? Do you need some laxatives?”
Yes, this would take some work on your part. But you need only do it once.