DEAR MISS MANNERS: I hold an annual party, for which I hire a person to assist me in setting it up, maintaining the buffet and serving drinks. She has always done a great job.
At the most recent party, however, I noticed she had set up a tip jar next to the drinks. I was horrified. I went over and grabbed the jar, then pulled her aside and said that I was sorry that she did not feel I was paying her enough, and that she felt the need to seek compensation from my guests. I told her to tell me how much she felt like I was underpaying her, and that I would compensate her so she didn't need a tip jar.
I went back to the friends I had been chatting with and explained what happened. They all thought it was perfectly appropriate for her to have a tip jar.
After the party, I called my mother and told her what happened. Like me, she was horrified that someone would seek tips at a party that I was hosting.
Who do you think is right here? Should I have let her keep the tip jar out?
GENTLE READER: Inclined to side with mothers whenever possible, Miss Manners is happy to say she agrees with yours. And with you.
It is rude to leave out a tip jar in a private home. It screams, as you indicated, that your employees are not satisfied with their pay -- or are crassly looking for extra.
Your approach was justified and your offer generous, although you did not mention if the worker took you up on it. Or if you are still employing her.