DEAR HARRIETTE: I work two jobs and really long hours. I leave around 5 in the morning and sometimes don't get home until after 8 at night. I don't complain about my schedule. When I get home, I help my kids with homework and get them to bed before it's too late. Then I do some housework to try to keep things in order. This is what it takes right now to help support my family.
The problem comes at the end of the day. My husband works one job. He works hard, but doesn't have the hours like me. So when I'm crashing at night, he consistently wants to get busy. I don't mean to be rude or not a good wife, but I hardly ever have enough energy. How can I keep my marriage strong and keep up this daily grind? -- Worn Out, Bronx, New York
DEAR WORN OUT: Stress and fatigue are not good bedfellows, as you and your husband are experiencing. As challenging as this is, you two need to have a frank conversation about your lives. Choose a time when you can be alone and not on a tight schedule -- probably on the weekend. Candidly tell your husband how tired you are and that you aren't sure how you can keep up with everything. Discuss whether you should look for other work where you might be able to have one job that earns enough money to help your family.
Ask your husband if he would be willing to work with you to make a new plan for how household responsibilities are handled. Perhaps if he help could help more with childcare and home care, you will have less to do and a tiny bit more relaxation time. In turn, you may have a bit more energy. Tell him that you do not mean to deny him, but you often don't have the energy. Suggest making time for intimacy on the weekend, or pick another time that you think you might be able to commit to on a regular basis.